Terms and Conditions

Bridal Expo Grand Prize Terms and Conditions

Grand Prize: TWO $1000.00 Gift Certificates sponsored by the DuBois Area Bridal Association.

Condition of Entry: Bride or Groom must be registered upon entering the Bridal Expo, sponsored by the DuBois Area Bridal Association.

Eligibility: Open to all future Brides or Grooms whose wedding is within the 2025 or 2026 calendar year.

Note for 2025 Brides and Grooms: The Gift Certificate must be redeemed by December 31, 2025.

Must be present to win.

Prize Selection: The winning entry will be chosen during the fashion show. The Winner’s will be invited to the stage to verify the winning entry and receive the $1000.00 Grand Prize Gift Certificate.

Prize Conditions: The Gift Certificate may only be used for the purpose of purchasing merchandise and/or services at locations of participants within the DuBois Area Bridal Association.

Prize Redemption: The Gift Certificate must be redeemed by December 31, 2025.

The $1000.00 must be presented by the winning Bride or Groom (prize is not transferable).

The Grand Prize winner’s may use the Gift Certificates for more than one purchase, but must not exceed the purchase total of $1000.00 depending on the prize awarded. Any purchase greater than prize amount is the responsibility of the Grand Prize winner.

The Participating DuBois Area Bridal Association member will complete the prize form located within the Gift Certificate.

Both the participating member and the Grand Prize Winner must sign the prize form.

The Grand Prize winner must surrender the Grand Prize Certificate to the Association at the the completion of the purchases.

The Grand Prize Gift Certificate has no actual cash value and cannot be exchanged for cash.

The Use of the Grand Prize Gift Certificate by anyone other than the winning contestant is illegal. Any misrepresentation of the Grand Prize constitutes fraud.

Fraudulent activities associated with the use of the Grand Prize Gift Certificate will by prosecuted by law.